Are you planning to integrate the payment with UPI in India?
Here is the simple method to call all the UPI Payment Apps from Anchor Tag
You can replace the UPI Id in the below URL and You can open the UPI Apps installed on the mobile phone.
Just click on the below Pay Now! link to open the UPI Payment Apps in the Mobile
Pay Now !
Don’t hesitate to test by paying me ₹ 1 INR for the Info 🙂
This Code will open all UPI apps on mobile.
<a href="upi://pay?pa=UPIID@oksbi&pn=FNAME SNAME K&cu=INR" class="upi-pay1">Pay Now !</a>
Also adding spaces in the link won’t break the URL
<a href="upi://pay?pa=UPIID@oksbi&pn=JOHN BRITAS AK &cu=INR" class="upi-pay1">Pay Now !</a>