Do you want to create a website for your business in Calicut Cochin and Kerala?
I can help you to create your website @ Just 3000 Rupees. This is a Special Price Offer due to the COVID-19 Situation.
I know most companies as suffering to promote their business in this pandemic situation. This is backbone support from my side as Corporate social responsibility.
I am a freelance web designer from Kerala worked in 5+ Companies in the last 7 Years in Kerala and Abroad. During that time I was working as a part-time freelancer in Dubai and Kerala.
Most companies charge a huge amount to create a website. Because they need to get a big amount from their invoices. Because they need to get money to meet Office rental, Electric City, Internet Charges, Staff Salary…..etc.
As a freelancer, I can provide you with the best design at a competitive price in Kerala. You can see my workstation in the below picture.
I can come to you or any place in Calicut, Cochin, or any other place in Kerala to have a discussion about the project.
For the last project, in August 2020 I have visited Pandalam Pathanamthitta to finalize a website. I am flexible to my work and this is my passion.
Because I like to travel and that is one of my hobbies. If you have required I can provide you free website design for your project.
Do you think the website will be an old design or just a website?
No way, I can provide you the best web design from Kerala with the same quality of design. Because this is a service as my Corporate social responsibility.
You can check my design and portfolio from my website.
Call or contact me on WhatsApp Or Email for an Appointment.
Phone : +91 808999 0405
WhatsApp : +91 808999 0405